Monday, September 1, 2008


As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember. If we're only blogging friends write about a post that is most memorable. #2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll be sure to write one about you....either on your blog, in my comment box, or I will email you one back. #3. If the memory happens to involve my family, please include them. #4. If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all. And please do this on your page too, so we can all share in the fun times together !!


pirate ride said...

KY, KY, KY, What to say??? Everday day is DEFINATELY my FAV!! I love ever moment of being your "mom" and I could never choose just one! My memory is the day you were born and the second I held you! Love MOM~

Forbes Clan of Six said...


I enjoy the days you come spend nights. I remember most is how little you were and your cloths were all too big. Your mom would put shirts on you and they would look like a dress. I love your sweet personality, your crack ups, your beautiful, smart and I love you with all my heart.I am very proud of you.
Aunt Amber

Jana said...

Hi Kylee, I loved the times when me and Jakelle would come visit and we would take you guys to the Gateway mall and go to build a bear and then you would get wet iin the fountain. I loved sitting at Bonnie's and making bead necklaces. And of course theres that time when I got the bug in my hair and I freaked out you are such a sweet heart and I wish I could be around you more. Hope Cheer is going good. love ya

The Peterson Press said...

I remeber your baptism your were so beautiful and little compared to how grown up you look now! You are So pretty!!!We miss you tons!! But we love your blog!! Love Aunt Emmie